Overthinking Kills

Mohit Kalani
4 min readJun 29, 2021


When I spend time with any kid or a child, we laugh together. If he has done something on which I laugh, he repeats it. So, being a Joker gives happiness when we do not think much, and act to laugh and make others laugh.

But as we grow old, people take these jokes as making fun of each other. And we do not like such gestures somehow. So, we become cautious and lessen our laughs and also the acts on which others laugh.

Here is a very thin line between, just be cautious and overthink about every act. We need to avoid overthinking. It kills us.

I do not mean to not be cautious and just be childish every time. BUT, avoid overthinking is needed.

Overthinking increases the baggage of mostly negative thoughts about every action and we end up killing our progress, happiness laughs, life, and everything.

I remember how much afraid I was to walk or travel on a road after watching the movie Final Destination. If at all a truck passed by, I used to think how its tyre will come out and hurt everyone around. This might seem funny, but that’s what happens when you overthink about any event.

During teenage, it happens about your crush. There is a difference between Dreaming sweet memories and overthinking. To dream or think about dancing with him/her is good. But to overthink about how he or she talked with someone and now thinking bad about yourselves and that’s why relation is spoiling, that friend is not my good friend bla bla bla is overthinking. And when you start overthinking, you do not express it, and keeps everything inside you. That is one of the worst things about personal development. Weeping inside is more dangerous than weeping out.

The same thing happens during your professional life. If you do not speak up, you start judging your colleagues, bosses, clients. And it does not end up in good communication. Overthinking stops you from presenting your ideas, views. So, it stops your progress.

Similarly, your personal life. After watching all Saas-Bahu events, now we can see we merely have joint families. We just start to find “THE HIDDEN” meaning of what he/she said. That’s where it all starts.

Overthinking increases the burden on your head. It does not give you any solution. Rather it starts creating many virtual problems. Problems that never existed or which never will be existing start bothering you.

Overthinking keeps you in the past or future, but not in present. You may keep on thinking about what if I had taken another stream in education, what if I had held her hands on that day, what if I had not shouted at her that night, what if….. Or will I be able to nourish my child? Will I be able to give happiness to my parents as they did? Will be a director of that company? Will I earn … Will I… Things that start with these things are also overthinking. They are just wasting your time and it is not heading to any kind of productiveness.

I have also observed that, overthinking leads to missing opportunities. Because of overthinking only one does not start a business or quit a business. Because of overthinking only, one does not propose the loved one. Because of overthinking only, one does not stand up and show the talent. Overthinking is what leads to fear which leads to missing opportunities.

And when series of such things happens, it continues to happen again and again. This leads to negative results, which leads to depression. Not a good word (I mean, not good if anyone is going through it) but very much trending these days.

Overthinking makes you non-social. As for every dialogue you utter, you have so many thoughts behind it, it keeps you alone. What would he think, if I laugh that way, or crack that joke, would it affect my appraisal? If I say that, would he stop contacting me? Would he tell others about me? Let it be. I just won’t talk to him. I would avoid that party. Or I will just eat and come.

Avoiding is not at all a solution for anything. You have to face it. And be what you are. I had read one quote, “more and more you write personal, more and more it becomes universal.” This means everyone out there is like you only. So, do not think much, just act what you like.

Blaming yourself, getting depressed, not getting sleep, or getting oversleep, being negative about everything, and unable to see a bright side, such are outcomes of overthinking. This leads to many losses. Financial, emotional, physical, mental, etc. Thinking is needed, but overthinking must be avoided.

No business in this world is worth doing it if you go into every detail of it before starting it. You have to surely analyze. But being over is not justified. It overs everything else.

From one of the articles, I got to know — Technically, when you are overthinking, the unconscious parts of your brain misread which is reality and what are thoughts. Thus, when these thoughts stress you, your body registers that threat as real.

Considering this, we have to make cautious efforts to stop overthinking. If you have anything to say about how to stop overthinking — do post it in the comments.



Mohit Kalani
Mohit Kalani

Written by Mohit Kalani

freelance hobby writer. try to give words to the lessons learnt till today and the things seen in and around. exploring myself in my articles.

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