Borrowing Strength Builds Weakness
A line from 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. After reading this line, I could relate it with many instances & could understand the real meaning of it. This is a quote we should understand & be aware of during actual actions.
A younger brother will never develop strength if he is always protected by the elder brother. The elder brother has a responsibility to develop the strength in the younger brother by supporting his decisions and help him to prepare for challenges instead of fighting on his behalf.
Similarly, In the corporate world, the first month is the induction and training period. You may ask 1000 questions to your manager, seek his/her guidance, and understand the procedure. BUT if you continue the same, and seek approval for every decision, you will never grow. You will never gain enough confidence to take lead and strive for better results. Only the one who starts to make a decision can grow.
A guy habitual of taking loans and not repaying them will never earn so much that he or she can be the one who can lend some money to the needy. He will forget how to earn money and always seek help to get a loan.
Hostel life is well known for being independent and learning life lessons. I believe it is just because kids learn to live without borrowing strength from their parents and keep facing small issues of life to bigger challenges. I have had friends who had bought their first T shirt without their mom. So, in a hostel, because of his friend's support, he stopped borrowing strength from his mother to choose clothes for him. It's a small thing, but very basic.
It doesn’t mean that we should not seek guidance, should not ask for an opinion. It means that we should not be dependent on the same.
I remember one story learned in childhood. Often for a small plant, a stick is given for support. This stick must be removed after some time. If not, it will make the big tree to collapse if the support is removed. It says the message as do borrow strength but do not get habitual of the same.
Most of the beggars on street can EARN their livelihood by working. BUT donors lend strength to make them weaker. Donors should lend strength to teach FISHING and not by donating fish (food).
I am not against taking help/guidance. But I would like to convey that, we should be aware of this quote whenever we seek to borrow strength or lend our strength to our loved ones.
#motivation #selfimprovement #7habits #reading